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Contact Page

Feel free to contact us by e-mail, phone or filling the form in the bottom of the page if you have anything. Our bilingual staff will reply soon.



675-1 Narahara-machi, Hachioji-shi, Tokyo-to, 193-0803, Japan
(JPN: 〒193-0803 東京都八王子市楢原町675-1)


TEL: +81 (0) 42-649-4810
* Please contact us prior to making a phone call. We are sorry to say that not all of us are English speakers.

E-MAIL: info@dialoogu.com
LINE: dialoogu
LINE@: @RYD7123V


Location of Office

The location in the map is below.
*Would you contact us before visiting the office because we are a small number.


Contact Form

Contact us filling the form

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Google map is disabled. Create an API key as per instructions here: https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/get-api-key