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History – DIALOOGU Inc.


01st Month The renewal of the company name

06th Month Opening of the new company website



01st Month Start of the project overseas real estate investment

06th Month Start of overseas real estate investment

11th Month Obtaining of warehouses in the office



01st Month Start of the project ICT

Start of the website of Sakakibarashoji Inc.(former company name)



09th Month Change in the property management business, adding property rental business

10th Month The company organization becomes new, resulting in 2 representatives

Start of the projects Photography & Design and Web Design

Start of the reform business

All the year Investment in office facilities for the better office environment

All the Year Investment in ICT facilities



01st Month Start of the project to reform the company



01st Month The main businesses have been moved to Tokyo



01st Month The part of the company businesses moving to Tokyo

10th Month Change in the directors.


07th Month Moving the company address from Aichi prefecture to Tokyo



02nd Month Establishment of the company



Founder has begun the first business property management

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